The Palin Communications team has continued its run of success at the annual PRIME Awards taking out a “Highly Commended” in the Corporate Social Responsibility category. The gong was for our work promoting the role of science in the community with GSK Australia. This is the third year in a row Palin Communications has taken out a major prize in the CSR category being winners in 2019 with BMS Australia and again in 2020 with AbbVie Australia.

Palin Communications was also a double finalist in the Public Relations Institute of Australia Golden Target Awards “Best Health Campaign” where our programs with GSK on the launch of its COVID treatment and with Pfizer on the launch of its COVID vaccine were acknowledged as among the best in Australia.
General Manager Karina Durham was also awarded a Top Woman in Wellness in the ‘Metal Health Leader’ category by Ragan Communications and PR Daily.
Managing Director Martin Palin said he was delighted with the recognition for the Palin Communications team.
“Once again the hard work and expertise of the team have been acknowledged via a range of competitive programs. The awards are testimony to our focus on teamwork and our determination to be a respectful, trusting, flexible high-performing team. Karina’s individual award also shows that Palin Communications continues to be an industry leader in the mental health space. I really couldn’t be prouder,” said Palin.