AbbVie Australia
AbbVie raises awareness of devastating skin condition
In 2018, the first ever Australian prevalence study on Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS) was published by Dr Miriam Calao, Medical Manager at AbbVie Australia, alongside other contributors. The study estimated that a very high number of Australians have the chronic skin condition, however less than 7% have received a medical diagnosis.
HS is characterised by inflamed areas typically located around the armpits and groin, but the condition can manifest differently from person to person. HS can occur at any age, but it most commonly develops in adults in their early 20s.
In December, Palin Communications, in partnership with AbbVie, developed a social media campaign aimed at raising awareness of HS and encouraging Australians’ to speak with their GP if they notice symptoms of HS.
The campaign featured a suite of patient videos and awareness infographics, which were shared across AbbVie Australia’s corporate social media pages. The content generated over one million opportunities to view key messages and almost 5,000 engagements.
The campaign also triggered numerous positive interactions in the HS community, with people encouraging their network to visit the doctor for a diagnosis.